
Day 16: Dawn

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Literature Text

Summary: Leo gets Mikey back for his prank yesterday
Pairing: Leo/Mikey
Prompt: Dawn
Day: April 2
Disclaimer: TMNT does not belong to me.

Leo was awake even before his alarm began ringing out to tell him that it was time to rise. He was so used to waking up at five in the morning that his body did so automatically now even without the help of his alarm clock.

As Leo carefully made his bed he listened to the quiet of the lair. Dawn was one of his favorite times of the day. Mikey and Raph were always asleep at this time. Don had a fifty-fifty chance of being either asleep or working on his lab having pulled an all nighter. The only other person that was usually up at this time was Master Splinter as he enjoyed his normal morning cup of tea in his room.

Today was not going to be normal however. Mikey had spent all of yesterday talking only in rhyme as an April Fool’s Day prank. As much as Leo loved his smaller mate, the rhyming had gotten on even his nerves and now Mikey had some payback coming to him.

Instead of heading down to the kitchen to make his own cup of tea like he did every other morning, Leo took a different route. Leo strode purposefully towards his youngest brother’s room.

Carefully Leo cracked open the door so that he could examine the room before making any further plans. Mikey was splayed across his bed with his limbs going in all different directions. Glancing down at the floor Leo saw that it was still as covered in random objects as it was the last time that he had carried Mikey to bed.

A sinister grin stole across Leo’s face at how helpless and unsuspecting Mikey looked in his sleep. He couldn’t have asked for a better set up as he slipped into the room and right up to Mikey’s bed.

With the nimbleness that only a trained ninja could manage, Leo climbed onto the footboard of Mikey’s bed and balanced on the inch wide piece of wood. Leo crouched down, gathering strength in his powerful leg muscles, before springing off the footboard and onto Mikey’s sleeping form.

The second Leo’s body landed on top of Mikey’s, Mikey jerked away in a panic and let out a high pitched scream that would have carried throughout the lair if Leo hadn’t thought ahead and used a hand to cover Mikey’s mouth.

Mikey’s heart was still beating a mile a minute as he slowly calmed down enough to realize that it was Leo on top of him and that he wasn’t being attacked. Angrily Mikey batted Leo’s hands away from him and shoved until he could sit up in bed.

“What the shell are you doing Leo?” Mikey hissed. “It’s five in the morning. Why are you jumping on me?”

“Payback little brother,” Leo replied. “You went out of your way to drive us all crazy yesterday and now I’m going to do the same with you. Time to get up and start the day Michelangelo.”

Mikey just groaned and flopped back down onto the bed, pulling a pillow over his head to block out his brother. Leo wasn’t having any of it though. He had come in here to get his brother up and that was exactly what he was going to do.

Instead of trying to tear the pillow away from Mikey, Leo grabbed the blanket that was covering Mikey and ripped it away. Before Mikey had a chance to react to his sudden exposure, Leo’s hands were glued to his sides and tickling him mercilessly.

Mikey wiggled and squirmed to try and get away from the roaming fingers but with Leo’s knees hugging both sides of his hips, Mikey wasn’t going anywhere. After a minute of struggling and trying not to laugh so loud that he woke the rest of his family up Mikey wiggled to the side enough that he knocked both himself and Leo off of the bed and onto a tangled heap on the floor.

“Fine. I’ll get up just stop tickling me,” Mikey pleaded, as tears streamed down his face from laughing so hard.

Smiling, Leo stood up and offered Mikey a hand to help him up as well. Mikey gratefully took the offered hand and got to his feet.

“You know you didn’t have to get me up at dawn just to feel me up you know,” Mikey quipped. “You’re welcome to do that anytime you want.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” said Leo as he ushered his mate out of the room. “Since you’re up right now you might as well join me for practice and start the day off right.”

“Oh maaaan,” Mikey moaned as he headed down to the dojo. Maybe picking a prank that lasted all of April Fool’s Day wasn’t the best idea after all.
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